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  • Peppers Freight Farm
  • Pepper Freight Farm Grow Lights
  • Green Catering Farm Table Peppers
  • Green Catering Farm Table Peppers
  • Green Catering Farm Table Peppers

Sustainable Catering

We have taken many steps to become a leader among catering companies in New England by maintaining several sustainability initiatives.  As more information has become available about the importance of protecting our environment and preserving our natural resources, we have been inspired to take steps to limit our energy consumption, increase our recycling initiatives, and source the majority of our food products from local farms. 

  • Peppers Artful Events earned 199.87 GreenPointsTM and is a Level 3 Certified Green Caterer® under the Green Restaurant Association's rigorous standards in categories like water efficiency, waste reduction, sustainable food, and chemical and pollution reduction.
  • Peppers uses a Comprehensive Recycling system, and has no polystyrene foam (aka StyrofoamTM).
  • 100% of our lights are LEDs, which use up to 90% less energy, last longer, contain no mercury, and emit fewer greenhouse gases than incandescent bulbs. 
  • We installed high-efficiency pre-rinse sprayers at the washing station in our operations department, saving over 1,000 gallons of water per year.
  • Most of our meat and produce purchases are sourced within 100 miles of our restaurant, which encourages support of our local communities and reduces carbon emissions attributed to shipping food. 
  • Composting kitchen scraps and recycling plastics, glass, aluminum, cardboard, and paper keeps up to 80% of our waste out of landfills. 
  • Our facility is styrofoam free, which keeps harmful chemicals and litter out of our environment. 
  • Our plates, cups, cutlery, trash liners, and some take-out containers are made with bio-based materials that are certified compostable. 
  • We installed low flow aerators on our hand and prep sinks, saving enough water to fill 7 backyard swimming pools per year. 
  • We off set 20% off our annual energy use, by generating renewal energy with on-site photovoltaic cells.
  • By using occupancy sensors in our offices and restrooms, we reduce unnecessary energy use by nearly 60%.
  • In 2019, we installed solar hot water awnings to generate over 20% of our hot water. 

Sustainability is one of our core corporate values.

Local Farm Sourcing

Lilac Hedge Farm • Indian Head Farm • Murray’s Chicken Farm • Robinson’s Farm • Davidian Brothers • Ward’s Barry Farm • And many more! 

Community Involvement

Rainbow Child • Worcester County Food Hub • Massachusetts Bee Keepers Society • Regional Environmental Council • Local Earth Day Clean Ups

Let’s start planning your green catering event!

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